Platform Settings

The platform settings change how the platform behaves for the user.

Personal Settings

In the Personal Settings tab, we store our name, zip code, Goal showing count, and tax bracket. The zip code will be used to help find other GoBros in the future. The Number of Goals to Show setting controls how many goals are shown on the summary. The tax bracket will be used for tax calculation in coming updates. We can also toggle on and off showing the financial information from the previous year on the summary.

Currently we store the summary Personal Expenses and Personal Taxes in the Personal Settings. This will move in a future release.


The platform cares about how recently resources (Financial Goals, Assets, Liabilities, Highlights, etc) are checked and updated. This sub-tab allows us to enable and disable daily email notifications and override where emails are sent to. For each type of resource, there is a default amount of time when we mark a resource as stale:

Stale Resources Emails

When notifications are enabled, a daily email is sent to inform the user of any resources which are stale.

Stale Resources pop-up on login / red icon

Upon login, a pop-up will be shown in the top right corner of the screen if there are stale resources. Once the pop-up has closed, a red icon will indicate that resources are stale and need to be updated:

Clicking on the pop-up or the red alert icon will show a list of resource which need to be updated:

When stale resources are opened, fields which are past their notification date will be highlighted in red. Clicking on the red clock icon will mark the asset as current by setting the Last Updated date to today.

Per-resource notification override

For most resources, we can override the number of days until we consider the asset as stale:

Financial Accounts

The LifeTrack platform is integrated with Plaid to allow linking of account balances from external sources with asset and liability values. This is only explicitly enabled for limited testing users. Please contact for testing access.


The Security sub-tab allows for setting a new password. The current password needs to be entered to set the new password. If the current password has been forgotten, the “Forgot your password?” link can be used upon login.


The Sharing sub-tab allows sharing your LifeTrack summary with other users. Once shared, the user can login and view all details of your summary including the list of assets and liabilities which contribute to your financial metrics. If the user has an existing account, they will be notified via email and be able to see your summary on their list of accounts. Otherwise, they will receive an email to create a new LifeTrack account for viewing. If users have also shared their summary with you, the Mutual checkbox will be checked. Access can be revoked from a user by choosing the Delete icon.

New users aren’t granted access to create their own summary unless they have been granted permission by the platform administrators.

Only View currently

Although there are options shown for View and Edit, View is the only capability which currently exists. Other users are not currently allowed to view Asset or Liability details or make any changes to your summary. That capability will be added in coming releases.

Viewing Another User’s Summaries

Once a user has shared their LifeTrack summary with you, it will appear on the list of summaries you can view from the Summary menu. In this case, this user can only view the summary of one other user:

Last updated